
Monday, March 26, 2012

Trash or Treasure?

Water bottle caps are definitely treasure! Save them and have your students save them too!

I have seen some different bottle cap activities floating around, but here is one that I made for my students to do during centers this week.

Contractions! This is a picture of one set (I made three different sets each with different contractions so that the students can do the activity up to three different times). Just write the contraction on one bottle cap and then the two words that make the contraction (each on their own bottle cap). Students grab a bag of bottle caps and match the contractions with the two words that make the contraction!

You could do something similar with pieces of paper laminated for durability, but bottle caps are very durable and you can probably round them up for free : )

Most people see trash, a teacher sees treasure!

Have a great week!

Miss Paul

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